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Justice for Faisal Nabi Malik Killing Campaign Hits Social Media

Karachi: Another story of brutal murder by one of the eminent personalities held him arrested the last Saturday. The award winning film maker Mansoor Mujahid was arrested along with his friend for allegedly murdering his friend, the 33 year old Faisal Nabi .The alleged murderer was held arrested on the information of his friend to the police of the incident. The policemen went to see if the crime had been done.

Mansoor Mujahid along with his girl friend Anab Hameed was arrested and taken into custody for interrogation purpose. Mansoor confessed to the crime he was said to be charged with, however did not reveal his girlfriend’s involvement in the murder.
Faisal Nabi Malik went to Mujahid’s apartment 3 days ago and was murdered in between 19-20 of June. The victim was a father to two daughters and a son. He was jobless timely but was a former worker at HSBC and MCB bank. It is said that Faisal and Mujahid became friends through their other friends and not knowing the ground realities they became friends, paying visits to each other homes. The deceased sister had lodged FIR against the murderer and has directed serious interrogation in the matter.

The police sources say that they have completed the investigation and the victim’s body has been recovered. The SHO Kansan Deen said that the body was found to be dumped outside the Sunrise Apartments in Clifton however Faisal was murdered in the apartment of the celebrity which falls on the 3 floor of the building in Zamzama lane.
Motive behind the murder is still uncertain. The family members of the decease believe it to be on basis of some money exchange issue.
Talking upon to the friends of the young media science student, it was revealed that Mujahid was addicted to drugs and is a man of bad and loose character. A diary confiscated by the police showed up about his relationships with her girlfriend Anab Hameed who is also alleged to be there at the apartment when the crime took place. Anab always carried pistol with her due to the fragile relations between the two.
Faisal is said to be brutally murdered with being shot twice with head. He was burnt with acid and dumped out of the apartment after his body, throat, and nose being cut with knives brutally.
A case has been registered against the culprits for possessing the unlicensed weapons and they would be presented in the court. However, media men are restricted to interview them which raise doubts if they are trying to be set free from being punished.
Friends, family members of Faisal Nabi have maintained a Facebook page where they are protesting against the barbaric attack and demand justice for the deceased. Up dates regarding the case, evidences are also updated on the social website.
It is pertinent here to mention that a similar case happened last year in which a young man was killed by his friends in the Clifton area. Still Shahzeb murder case remains unsolved. The weak judiciary system and the law order situation and unaccountability are the primary reasons for the frequent happenings of such incidents.

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