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British Model Carley Watts Starts Preaching Islam and She Looks for Forgiveness from Almighty ALLAH.Full Story of …

Carley Watts, one of the top models of the Britain, 6 months ago converted to Islam. The newly wed model said that earlier she used to do modeling for fame but the Islamic teachings have guided her and she looks for forgiveness from Almighty ALLAH for her previous sins. Carley Watts, after converting to Islam is now known as Fatima Saleh. She got married in an Islamic way and entered into folds of Islam by fulfilling the Islamic rituals, offering 5 times prayers and performing the religious obligations. It is reported that she fasted the last Ramadan.
Fatima says that she felt inner satisfaction after reading the preaching of Islam. ‘It is the Islamic religion only that can help people to reap benefits in the Hereafter’. Stating about veil Fatima said that by wearing black cloak to cover her whole body and observing Hijab, her inner conscience feels satisfied and peaceful. The model turned Muslim woman also appealed to other non-followers to give up their religion and accept Islam, which is a complete religion.
The 24-year- old former model and single mom ditched her career and converted to Islam after falling in love with her boyfriend Salah, a Muslim Tunisian native. The two met when Carley, (Fatima) was vacating there. Carley felt that Salah truly loved her and his willingness to accept her despite knowing about her bare modeling for various publications and most importantly being a single mother made her to fall for him.
Presenting reasons from being a lingerie woman to a covered woman from head to toe she said that his boyfriend turned husband had told her that after our marriage your body should be only for my eyes. Hence, being fallen in love she fulfills her commands. Fatima’s in-laws are stills unaware about her previous career life. The former model says that it is Islam that gives due status and respect to women and enjoin people with better lifestyle in every way.
It is worthwhile here to mention that the decision of the former British model met many criticisms. Some stated this would not last longer while some said it is going crazy to give up career to devote you as a Muslim wife. On the other hand, Muslim people appreciated and welcomed her to enter Islam, saying that ALLAH showed her the right path.

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