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Pakistani Girls Marry Each Other In UK – Shame !!!

It is reported that two Pakistani homosexual girls in London has married and have made the shameful history. Both the girls’ entered into civil partnership – took the benefit of the newly amended rules on civil partnerships for gays and lesbians.
Rehana Kausar who is 34-years-old and Sobia Komal 29 wedding was held at the Leeds Council’s registration office. Solicitors of Rehana and Sobia were present and their two Pakistani friends were also present at the occasion. Rehana and Sobia both wore bridal dresses and stated that they are friend from the last three years and they know decided to tie the knot. Sobia Komal told that her partner is her soul mate.

The marriage has been criticized a lot among Muslims living in UK. People on social media also criticized the marriage between two Pakistani girls. Many on Facebook stated that this type of girls damage the image of Islam and anti-Islam elements promotes these type of stories to bring bad name for Islam.

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