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Muslim Female Refuses To Remove Veil in London Court

London: A Muslim woman in London was refused to hear her plea in the court on account of the veil she observed. According to a report released by the British newspaper the 21 old young woman was declined by the court for the proceeding session until she uncovers her face and take off her burqa. The accused pleaded the court that she cannot take off burqa due to the religious restrictions but the judge declined stating that he respects the religion, dress code and practices of others. ‘We need to follow the court rules with in the premises. As part of the court trial you need to uncover your face’.

The alleged woman from Hackney in East London is said to have threaten a witness who had been involved in the case. Claire Burtwistle, the woman’s barrister told the court that the defendant is ready to remove the veil and show her face to other female court officials but the lady is not willing to unveil in presence of men as it goes against the commandment of her religion.
The judge however said that with out recognizing the defendant, the case cannot be preceded. “If we allow this one case then further cases would come up and this would hurdle in the way of justice and the case proceedings since any one else can claim to be defendant giving the reason’.

‘Being the central judge I cannot accept the plea with out being certain of the accused identity’. The court hearing has been adjourned till 12 September on account of the legal argument on the removing of the veil by the defendant.

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