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Girls Kidnapping & Selling Group Exposed in Pakistan

Karachi: Recently it has been learnt that a group is allegedly involved in sending girls to Dubai by fooling them of high salaries and good jobs there. The jobless young girls belonging to lower middle class families fall victim to the business carried by one of the active groups that send girls from Pakistan and make them part of  evil, illegal business.

Nida Nadeem, mother of two girls, the victim told that a man Sajid Ali, resident of Delhi colony tangles young girls of secured jobs and handsome salaries. Aftab, nickname Raja and Baji are the people who run the business forcing the girls and women to do unethical things. Nida told that more than 15 people are involved in the business that sends the young girls and women to foreign countries.
Narrating her story the victim said that Sajid had taken considerable amount of 1 million from her, ensuring of secured Dubai based job but after her arrival, ‘Baji’ briefed her job details. ‘I somehow managed to escape from their and return to Pakistan safely’. Sajid after hearing the news of my safe escape has been threatening me to remain quite and has lodged FIR against me, said the lady.
Nadeem, Nida’s husband giving further details of the incident spoke that he had went to Zaman police station to register the case but police declined stating it to be the work of FIA. ‘It has been long since we have had filed application in FIA Passport Circle but no progress has been made so far in this respect’.
Nida has appealed to the high authorities for justice and has asked to take strict notice of the active group and called for interrogation in the matter.

Advocate Zia Awan said that yearly several cases of human smuggling appear where criminal bodies make others the target of their evil doings.

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